Strategic Plan 2025 – 2029

The key strategic goals are accompanied by suggested action items. As their name implies, they are “suggested” and may be implemented as and when financial or policy circumstances allow over the next five-years. They can also be implemented by the Management or be member-led initiatives. The strategic plan should remain dynamic to adapt to changing conditions to keep on track with our key strategic goals. As such, the Supervisory Committee and the Management will conduct an annual review to identify yearly priorities and add new suggested actions if appropriate.

Foster a membership that supports and represents the whole interpretive community, in terms of geography, sectors and professional occupations.

  1. Be a platform for collaboration and exchange between all IE members
  2. Facilitate mutually beneficial initiatives that inspire members to advance the purpose and practice of heritage interpretation
  3. Expand IE’s outreach Europe-wide representing both natural and cultural heritage

Reach financial sustainability supported by membership and external funding sources.

  1. Secure core funding for sustainable growth, value and quality of the association
  2. Secure independent funding to further develop capacity building offers

Anchor heritage interpretation at national and international levels.

  1. Become a reference organisation for heritage interpretation in Europe
  2. Serve as a key partner for cooperation between associations, universities, and professionals engaged in or providing heritage interpretation

To learn more about our Strategic Plan for 2025–2029, please explore the attached document.