Interpret Europe is a membership-based organisation, registered as a charity in Germany. It has more than 1,000 members from more than 55 countries. Interpret Europe’s mission is: Empowering all who inspire meaningful connections with Europe’s natural and cultural heritage to shape our common future.


Interpret Europe’s membership includes:

      • Individuals working as guides or trainers, designers, copywriters or planners, or in the management of facilities
      • Institutions or organisations encouraging people to experience and learn about natural or cultural heritage
      • Businesses offering interpretive or support services and supplies

Within these three membership categories, membership fees differ according to the average income in the countries where members are based.


Interpret Europe acts as a European platform for cooperation and exchange, especially on research and education. It organises events for networking and training and supports the development of national associations for interpretation in European countries.

Interpret Europe itself is a member of:

The Cultural Heritage Forum evolved from the official Stakeholder Committee of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage. It is the European Commission’s permanent Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.

Interpret Europe’s Freiburg Declaration suggests how stakeholders can contribute to the development of the interpretive profession. Interpret Europe’s study Engaging citizens with Europe’s cultural heritage was awarded with the European Commission’s 2017 Altiero Spinelli Prize (First Prize).


Constitution of Interpret Europe


Registration data

Interpret Europe is registered as ‘Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation e.V.’ at Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Freiburg (register of associations at the local court of Freiburg). The registration number is VR 700 462.

Interpret Europe is recognised as a charitable association by the Finanzamt (tax office) Eschwege-Witzenhausen. Its VAT number is DE 284 644 748.

The legal representatives of Interpret Europe is Helena Vičič(Managing Director).

Bank account

IBAN: DE32 4306 0967 7912 4662 00


GLS Bank
Christstraße 9
D-44789 Bochum