The first Wednesday of the following months are reserved for live(ly) exchange about creating connections between heritage and people.

As  IE members you are welcome to join us on Zoom (registration needed) or follow the livestream in the IE members group on Facebook.

Around thematic tables we will discuss how heritage can become more meaningful for people, and how people can become more mindful through heritage. We would like to exchange ideas but also practical tips on different areas of heritage interpretation, e.g. geological or gastronomical, and we want to talk about subjects such as the role of architecture in interpretation and how interpretation can help to recreate tourism in a more sustainable way.

Join us on 3 March 2021 at 18:00 CET for our first thematic table on Food makes everything better! – Reinforcing the experience with local gastronomy, hosted by our Gastronomic Heritage Coordinator Dubravko ‘Max’ Fijačko and his team. You can register here.

For starters Max offers some food for thought:

  • What is important when interpreting gastronomic heritage?
  • We need food to survive, but still there are so many stories related to food.
  • Do you involve gastronomic heritage in your interpretation?

Join us and share your views, experiences and thoughts about gastronomic heritage.