Do you use the Market section of the website? In order to keep it up to date with details of suppliers, jobs, funding opportunities for you, we need someone keen to offer help in sourcing and maintaining the information.

The Market section has four parts in an attempt to provide members with key support: Partners, Suppliers, Funding and Jobs. We are seeking someone who could provide support in maintaining the information, as detailed below.

  • Partners – you would need to ask members whether they plan any cross-border projects and search for partners and include adverts for them
  • Suppliers – you would need to offer an opportunity to our corporate members for their details to be included at this page and collect the information
  • Jobs – you would need to ask organisation and corporate members whether they have any job offers to advertise and offer individual/professional members the chance to advertise if they are seeking jobs

If you think you are able to fill with life, please make contact: