Hurry to take advantage of the Early Bird booking fee to join us in Romania on 12-15 May for our theme, ‘Creating learning landscapes through heritage interpretation’.

Preparations for the conference are in full swing and the temperature is rising! Our partners at AICI Architectural Studio from Bucharest are getting everything ready for us in Romania.

We have received more than 60 abstracts for a mixture of presentations and workshops. The review team and proofreaders have been busy preparing the programme and all abstracts of accepted proposals will be available online soon so you can start to get excited about what to take part in at the conference.

The website is also the place to find out about our keynote speakers.

The Early Bird reduced booking fee ends on 30 March so hurry and book your place if you haven’t yet done it! But don’t worry, we will still accept registrations to join us up until 7 May at the standard booking fee. 

Tea Štifanić is the IE Events Coordinator. She can be contacted at You can contact the conference organising team on:

To cite this article: Štifanić , Tea (2023) ‘IE Conference 2023: Last chance for the Early Bird booking’ in Interpret Europe Newsletter 1-2023, pg. 2o.

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