15 September 2020, 18:00 CEST

Heritage interpreters help participants to make connections with places and their significant heritage values. By using relevant interpretive tools, they create learning opportunities that can lead to appreciation and care. Learning starts with curiosity, and curiosity starts with provoking thoughts in the mind of participants. Asking questions is one of the strongest tools the interpreter can use in personal interpretation as well as in facilitating nonpersonal interpretation projects, which includes liaison among a client, stakeholders, and creative multidisciplinary teams. Asking the right question in the right way can spark an interest, lead to a meaningful discussion in which participants can formulate their own opinions, and inspire action.

In this webinar, Ivana talked about the art of asking effective and powerful questions in heritage interpretation and gave some guidelines and examples based on her research.

Ivana Jagic Boljat is a museologist and heritage manager with extensive experience in interpretive planning. She is a member of Interpret Croatia’s Executive Board. This year Ivana joined IE’s Events Team.