
James Carter and Susan Cross, Fellows of the Association for Heritage Interpretation

Course Description

This course is a practical and stimulating introduction to interpretation planning. It will look at how interpretation can meet organisations’ objectives as well as satisfying the demands of visitors in the 21st century.


  • Help you make realistic, practical plans to interpret your site or collection.

  • Understand what motivates visitors to heritage sites, and how interpretation can satisfy and interest them.

  • Plan interpretation that meets your business and financial objectives.

  • Look at the potential of new media and social networking, and at how they can be integrated with traditional techniques.

  • Discuss your needs with two of the UK’s leading interpretation experts

  • Explore the role of creative input to interpretation.

Who is it for?

Anyone responsible for interpreting natural and cultural heritage sites and who needs to guide the work of their organisation, other staff or contractors. This course will give you CPD credits, which you can use towards Full Membership of the Association for Heritage Interpretation.

Outline programme

Monday 2 June

1600 Registration and tea

1630 Introductions

1745 Visitors’ need for a ‘sense of place’

1830 Dinner (same time each evening)

1930 Interpretation then and now: 21st century priorities and concerns.

Tuesday 3 June

0815 Breakfast (same time each morning)

0915 Site visit to study interpretation’s role in tourism, regeneration and community development.

Lunch on site

1700 Site visit review: lessons for your work

1930 Current models of visitor motivation, and how to plan interpretation that satisfies their needs.

Wednesday 4 June

0915 Making interpretation meaningful: interpretive themes and why they matter.

1030 Site visit to study interpretation’s role in shaping visitors’ experience.

Lunch on site

1500 What media can we use, and what media should we use?

1630 The psychology and science of interpretation.

1930 The art of interpretation: innovative and creative solutions.

Thursday 5 June

0915 What’s in an interpretation plan and how do you write one?

1015 Putting it all together: planning for your site.

1115 Interpretation planning exercise.

1300 Lunch

1400 Action for the future: your next steps.

1500 Review and evaluation

1530 Course ends

Booking and more information

For further details and booking visit the Plas Tan y Bwlch website

For more information contact the tutors:

James Carter: james@jamescarter.cc

Susan Cross: susan@telltale.co.uk