Xerrada IE (Agost)

Wednesday 25 August 2022, 18:00 CEST

For the first time in history, human activity has come to a near standstill for more than two years. Regardless of location or borders of any kind, uncertainty and fear have filled much of our daily lives. But a few months after the end of the pandemic, human activity has picked up pace and habits at breakneck speed.
This talk invites us to a dynamic, simple and lively exercise of memory, of personal and collective reflection as interpretive professionals that allows us to delve into the powerful lessons that remind us of the elements that make us alive and human.

Evarist works at making his job as a nature guide into a passion – showing life in its infinite forms and how the interaction of nature and human beings have transformed it into multiple expressions of the culture of each place.
His training as a biologist-botanist has allowed him to focus on this relationship between nature and culture through plants and fungi in his company Naturalwalks.
Since the beginning of the Interpret Europe training courses in 2015, he has been working as a Certified Interpretive Guide trainer as well as specialising in training nature, ecotourism and gastrotourism guides, especially in Southern Europe and Latin America.