Global Alliance for Heritage Interpretation

Global Alliance for Heritage Interpretation

Global Alliance for Heritage Interpretation is inviting all interpreters around the world to a series of webinars in 2023.

Join the next one:

Thursday, 1 June, 17:00 CEST
Participatory and Dialogic Interpretation: Inspire through PIE and TALK

Join Dr. Jacquie to dig into the Participatory Interpretation “PIE” model, which encourages interpretation that starts with Participation, is followed by Information, and ends with Encouragement to action. Next, we will look at Dialogic Interpretation using the “TALK” model – Talk Types, Ask Great Questions, Lead with Facilitation Techniques, and Keep on Inspiring. Find out how Jacquie has success training interpreters using these two models that encourage them to engage visitors in two-way interactions, helping to make the topic relevant and meaningful to visitors. Join in this interactive session for your bite of PIE and taste of TALK!

Dr. Jacquie Gilson is a career interpreter. She received her Doctor of Social Sciences degree from Royal Roads University after studying the concept of inspiration in interpretation. Jacquie runs InterpActive and sits on the board of Interpretation Canada.

This series is free, but you need to register here.