The grant, up to 27,000 €, will be of a great help in developing our work this year. But even more importantly, it means official recognition for Interpret Europe and the cause of heritage interpretation by the EU – less than three years after our foundation assembly in Slovenia.

Our application has been selected together with 16 other European organisations out of 88 proposals.

This support will provide us with an opportunity to advocate heritage interpretation beyond those who are already familiar with its concept and principles.

It also means that, besides our ongoing administration, preparation of the
2014 conference and newsletter work, we can:

  1. Collect best practice examples from our member countries to illustrate ourwebpages with success stories and good photographs from all over Europe.
  2. Create new entry web­pages for those who are not yet familiar with interpretation
  3. Draw up and decide on principles and quality criteria for the preparation and implementation of on­site heritage interpretation.
  4. Start a promotion and advocacy campaign, together with our members, in order to reach out beyond those who are already familiar with heritage interpretation.

We will need active contributions from our members for this rather ambitious work
programme which will start after the international conference in Sigtuna.
We will need your active contributions for this rather ambitious work
programme! Please watch the newsletter for invitations to help.