Our next General Assembly will take place on 21 May in Mechelen, Belgium and part of the agenda will be elections for the Supervisory Committee. We are now seeking nominations for this role.

If you would like to stand, or know of a possible candidate, please write to mail@interpret-europe.net by 21 April 2016, with:

1.    The name of the person nominated, with his or her signature to indicate his or her willingness to stand for election (That person could be you.)
2.    The name of the member proposing the nomination, with his or her signature
3.    The name of a second member supporting that nomination, with his or her signature

Please ensure that this information is sent as a pdf and not as a Word document.

Several of the current members of the Supervisory Committee have agreed to stand for re-election but we also need additional nominations. To help those deciding to stand, the Supervisory Committee and Management have set out below the qualities and qualifications for Committee members that are of greatest importance to developing the work of IE.

Since October last year, our Management has been working on a volunteer basis. Our membership numbers are increasing and so will the income from membership fees. However, it will take some years to reach the point where IE can be independently financed by its members.

Fundraising is the most critical requirement we have. We are not talking about applications for EU project funding. We need members of the Supervisory Committee who can think of creative ways to address other sources of funding such as large companies; that have experience in such fields and who are highly connected to international networks and institutions which could support heritage interpretation at a European level and that through their connections are able to forge the alliances that are needed to make Interpret Europe the key European platform for stakeholders in heritage and interpretation.

If you believe you can meet help please ask to be nominated. If you know another member similarly qualified, please encourage her/him to stand for election to the Committee.

The general tasks of the Supervisory Committee are:

β€’    To appoint the members of the Management
β€’    To develop the strategy and the policy for the Management
β€’    To supervise and support the Management.

The Supervisory Committee meets at least four times per year usually by Skype but at least once face-to-face. It reviews any policy matters that may arise and agrees the annual management plan. It also receives quarterly status reports of the Management and audits the annual accounts for presentation by Management to the General Assembly.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Mechelen.

Michael Glen is Chair of Interpret Europe’s Supervisory Committee, Principal of Touchstone Heritage Management Consultants and Jobbing Wordsmith at QuiteWrite. You can contact him at glentigstane@aol.com.

To cite this article:
Glen, M. (2016) ‘Call for Supervisory Committee nominations’. In Interpret Europe Newsletter 1-2016, 3

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