A series of public consultations on the priorities for future EU funding and an online survey on the future European agenda for culture have just closed. We now await the results.

Public consultations covering the entire spectrum of EU future funding, as well as on EU funding specifically in the areas of values and mobility and of cohesion, were open for a short period and closed in early March. 

The European Commission also launched an online survey seeking views on options for advancing the European Agenda for Culture, ten years after its adoption in 2007. The survey aimed to take stock of activities so far under the European Agenda, including the structured dialogue with cultural and creative sectors, the European Culture Forum, and policy collaboration with Member States. IE’s Cultural Heritage Coordinator, Patrick Lehnes, represented Interpret Europe at a meeting in Brussels in February to feed into this process. You can find out more about the EU Commission’s role in culture here: https://ec.europa.eu/culture/policy/strategic-framework_en  

Europa Nostra responded to these consultations and we hope that many of you managed to input your opinions despite the short time frame. Heritage Alliance member, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organisations), gives a good summary on their website here: http://www.ne-mo.org/index.php?id=395&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=759&cHash=b0780fca2131ced08beb332a3f34ac4e 
We hope the results will be published soon and provide positive news for future funding for cultural heritage interpretation projects.

Jana Paratz is the European Policy Officer for Europa Nostra. This information has been taken from a Heritage Alliance 3.3 email bulletin. Interpret Europe is a Heritage Alliance member and is also involved in the European Agenda for Culture process.

To cite this article: 
Paratz, Jana (2018) ‘Public consultations on EU funding post-2020’. In Interpret Europe Newsletter 1-2018, 36. 
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