Brijuni Shiny Forrest dress fashion, image Max Dubravko Fijačko

Brijuni Shiny Forrest dress fashion, image Max Dubravko Fijačko

Join us in Austria in May for an inspiring workshop using our interpretive approach at the Europarc conference.

It starts with values, continues with how we engage others and inspire them, and it might end with “wow” and common growth in facilitated common ground. It’s the magic of interpretation.

When we think about how to be relevant, we should always keep in mind that one rock can say more than a geological map, that it is better to make friends with one tree than to know the names of all of them … And we should always dive into the world of our visitors. So it’s all in the interpretive approach.

At the Europarc conference in May 2022, Katarina Zakelj (CIW) and Max Dubravko Fijačko (CIT) will deliver some intriguing and meaningful activities for this year’s new style of workshops: Mind Factory. This year Europarc wants to give an opportunity: Question your mindset! OK, then we will really question it and give all participants the power and magic at a workshop entitled, The Magical Power of Interpretation: Adding Meaning to Visitors’ Experiences in Protected Areas.

It has long been said:
Through interpretation, understanding;
through understanding, appreciation;
through appreciation, protection.
We also know that understanding is an ‘infinite process’, but therefore the importance of interpretation only gains in meaning.

Join us in Austria in early May if you can! The Neusiedler See – Seewinkel National Park in Austria will host the biggest gathering of Protected Area professionals: the EUROPARC Conference 2022 ( Our workshop will be held on 3 May and we’re looking forward to sprinkling some magic.

Max Dubravko Fijačko is a member of IE’s Tourism Team, is the Gastronomic Heritage Coordinator and an IE Certified Interpretive Trainer. You can get in touch with him at:

To cite this article: Fijačko, Max Dubravko  (2022) ‘The magical power of interpretation’ in Interpret Europe Newsletter 1-2022, pg.20

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