Click, like, share – Do you like engaging on social media? IE is looking for your support! 

Are you keen on developing and posting content on several social media channels? If so, and if you are also good at managing a small team and could give a few hours of your time to support IE, we are looking for you! Joining the team is also a great way for you to be informed about all the great things happening in the world of heritage interpretation and cultural tourism. 

The tasks of the Social Media Coordinator entail: 

  • Development of IE’s presence in media communication 
  • Communication with the IE Management, News Team and native English proofreader 
  • Posting and sharing announcements on heritage interpretation from other stakeholders 
  • Annual plans and quarterly reports 

We are currently active on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter/X and we are developing content for our YouTube channel and Wikipedia articles. 

If you would like to join our team in posting, sharing and editing social media content, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line: 

To cite this article: IE Office Team  (2023)Call for social media coordinator ‘in Interpret Europe Newsletter 4-2023, pg.19.
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