Interpret Europe’s Spring Event 2017 was held in Prague with 75 participants from 23 countries taking part. The event was organised by SIMID, the Czech Association for Heritage Interpretation. It took place at Toulcův dvůr, a medieval farm estate which had recently been turned into an eco-centre.
The programme included three keynote speeches, 28 workshops and presentations, two study visits to the historic centre of Prague and a Market of Ideas with posters and speakers’ corner.
In order to increase the quality of their work, participants discussed the event theme ‘Crossing borders’ within four strands:
- Developments in interpretation theory and practice
- Heritage interpretation in Eastern Europe
- Heritage interpretation in higher education
- Interpret Europe’s training programme.
You can download some of the documents here:
Keynote Lenka Mrázová
Keynote Steven Timoney
Event proceedings
You can find IE newsletter articles about the event here:
Crossing borders: Join us at our Spring Event in Prague
Crossing borders in Prague: Join our Spring Event in May
Crossing borders: The success of the Spring Event
Interpret Europe in Prague: The view of a newbie
IE Spring Event through the eyes of a new member
Certified heritage interpretation sets bar high in Prague

Borders? I have never seen one.