You might remember that ICIP, the ICOMOS Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, started a survey on the ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites at the end of last year. As a result, ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘authenticity’ were identified as principles that required further clarification. In order to address this, IE agreed with ICIP, to form two separate working groups that will develop suggestions for policy statements and guidance notes on inclusiveness and authenticity, respectively, for IE and for ICIP.
The preliminary schedule for the working groups is to fully constitute and introduce key questions by the beginning of December 2016. We will then have a break until the new year, when work will begin in earnest. The intention is to present draft policy statements in May 2017 for discussion and comment by ICIP and Interpret Europe. After a redraft, it is proposed to solicit further comments from the wider interpretation community in August 2017. We will aim to issue the final policy statements by the end of 2017.
Depending on the views of the working groups, it is hoped that guidance notes can be developed in parallel to the policy statements. Alternatively, work on guidance notes will begin once the policy statements have been agreed. Discussion in the working groups will be primarily by e-mail and Google documents.
If you would like to join this shared initiative, please send a short e-mail by 27 November 2016 to