If you want to post news, discuss events, or simply get new information from an IE perspective, visit our brand new Facebook page at www.facebook.com/interpreteurope. Within just a few hours, it got lots of likes and if you like it too, please spread the word.
We also updated our LinkedIn page (www.linkedin.com/company/interpret-europe—european-association-for-heritage-interpretation) and we invite all Linkedin users to follow us there. Our next conference uses the hashtag #iecon16, and all Twitter users should make a note of this. As the conference gets closer, you can use this option for quick exchanges.
To inform new audiences about our profession, all our social media activities are now facilitated by Dijana Pita Costa from Slovenia. If you have any comments you would like to share directly with her, please send them to dijana.pitacosta@interpret-europe.net.