During the past nine months, the team of 2MB have had the opportunity and honour to work with extraordinary people from Interpret Europe in developing one of the most important European conferences dealing with the theme of heritage interpretation. Continuous and fruitful communication, together with high levels of empathy and respect for the work and cooperation were the highlight of our preparation.

The challenge was adapting the needs of the conference and making them compatible with participants from all over the world and in the specific context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We believe this was achieved and we are extremely happy that we were able to show the engaging aspect of diversity. This resulted in broadening the horizons for local partners who opened the doors of their hearts and institutions and in a valuable exchange of knowledge for the visitors.

We would like to thank Interpret Europe and all of those that we now call friends and invite you to visit Sarajevo in the future and to be the best ambassadors of the spirit of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Please find below some links to some articles which were produced during and after the conference. I’m afraid they are in Bosnian, but maybe Google translate can help a bit and hopefully you can get an impression of the noise created around the success of our time together in Sarajevo. I’m also grateful to Nicole Deufel for writing a nice summary of the conference on her blog: https://nicoledeufel.com/


Jelena Pekić was the conference manager for 2019. She works for the IE member, 2MB who organised the conference, and can be contacted at: events@2mb.ba.

To cite this article:
Pekić, Jelena (2019) ‘Success in Sarajevo’. In Interpret Europe Newsletter 2-2019, 11.
Available online: www.interpret-europe.net/fileadmin/Documents/publications/Newsletters/ie-newsletter_2019-2_summer.pdf