Would you like to coordinate our Natural Heritage Team? This volunteer position is currently vacant.
As IE Natural Heritage Coordinator, you should understand and appreciate the significant value of listed natural heritage (nature monuments, protected areas, Natural World Heritage), be able to look at nature and culture as a whole, and represent IE at IUCN, Europarc, the European Commission (DG Environment) or the Climate Heritage Network, for example.
Other tasks entail:
• fostering the implementation of IE’s training programme in protected areas
• gathering and managing a team of up to five members
• annual planning and brief reporting on a quarterly basis
• collaboration with IE’s Management and other coordinators.
IE coordinators are official representatives of Interpret Europe in their field of responsibility. Their activities are based upon a standard volunteer service agreement which is valid for two years. The workload depends on the coordinator’s availability, but the minimum requirement is ten hours per
month. If you are interested and would like to know more, please apply with a motivational letter and a short CV by 20 December 2020 to: office@interpreteurope.net.