IE branded images by Jan Geubels

IE branded images by Jan Geubels

IE’s social media feeds have been brightened up with some nice examples of interpretation for younger people.

‘Join us in looking at some examples of interpretation for children’ was an invitation for followers of IE social media to read contributions from IE members about examples of interpretation for children which they had designed or experienced. Through our member-supported campaigns we try to spread the word of projects that are out there and strengthen the ideas of networking and sharing, whilst spreading quality standards of heritage interpretation.

Through this campaign, a small team within IE that is developing a training module on interpretation for children managed to gain a deeper understanding of what our members consider quality interpretation for children. Their findings will be incorporated into some guidelines for children’s interpretation.

Did you spot any of the stories in your social media feed? Scroll back through or search for the hashtag #interpretsation4children and take some time to look if you didn’t see them. We journeyed into forests, geological parks, local parks, old houses, and encouraged children to become researchers with enquiring minds whilst having fun

Janja Sivec is a trainer, interpreter and storyteller from Slovenia. She is also IE’s Social Media Coordinator. You can reach her at:

To cite this article: Jacić, Silvija (2022) ‘#Interpretation4Children’ in Interpret Europe Newsletter 1-2022, pg.7

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