IE Conference: Creating learning landscapes through heritage interpretation
12 to 15 May 2023, Sighișoara (Romania) Under the theme ‘Creating learning landscapes through heritage interpretation’, we built on our current partnership with UNESCO, paving the way for all heritage to co-create more sustainable and mindful societies. To foster peace and sustainability, UNESCO recently defined requirements for value-based ...

IE web conference 2021: Recreating tourism through heritage interpretation
1 - 4 October 2021, online Under the theme ‘Recreating tourism through heritage interpretation’, we have merged heritage interpretation with sustainable tourism in order to offer unique opportunities along the tourist service chain to both local people and visitors. Everything you have come to expect from an IE conference –...

IE web conference 2020: Fostering heritage communities
The conference was ready to take place in Haapsalu, Estonia when it became clear that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, this would not be possible. We felt the need to overcome the consequences of social distancing but also to enable our speakers, presenters and workshop leaders from all over Europe ...

IE Conference 2019: Engaging with diversity
Our Interpret Europe Conference 2019 took place from 31 May to 3 June in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). It had been organised by 2MB. 84 attendees from 27 countries representing all five continents took part. “United in diversity” is the motto of the European Union, and there is hardly any ...

IE Conference 2018: Heritage and identity
Our Interpret Europe Conference 2018 took place from 23 to 26 March in Kőszeg (Hungary). It had been organised by the Hungarian Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (KÖME) and opened by the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, Tibor Navracsics. 158 attendees from 40 countries representing all five continents took ...

Conference 2017: Making connections: Re-imagining landscapes
206 participants from 27 countries gathered in Inverness, capital of the Scottish Highlands, for a joint conference of Interpret Europe with AHI, the UK and Ireland Association for Heritage Interpretation This 2017 European Conference on Heritage Interpretation focused on how we communicate the values we bring to, but also take ...

Spring event 2017: Crossing borders
Interpret Europe's Spring Event 2017 was held in Prague with 75 participants from 23 countries taking part. The event was organised by SIMID, the Czech Association for Heritage Interpretation. It took place at Toulcův dvůr, a medieval farm estate which had recently been turned into an eco-centre. The ...

IE conference 2016: Heritage interpretation – for the future of Europe
Our Interpret Europe Conference was held in Mechelen, close to Brussels where 178 participants from 26 countries experienced issues at the very heart of the European agenda, such as human rights, active citizenship, lifelong learning, sustainability or peace. They discussed how heritage interpretation can turn these subjects into rewarding learning ...

IE conference 2015: Sensitive heritage – sensitive interpretation
105 participants from 28 countries joined the Interpret Europe Conference in Kraków, Poland. Kraków and the Małopolska region are distinguished especially for their cultural heritage with a great variety of historic sites and museums. The historic centre of Kraków and the nearby Wieliczka Salt Mine were among the first twelve ...

IE conference 2014: Heritage Interpretation and Tourism: Enhancing the tourist’s experience and benefitting host communities
Dalmatia in Croatia was the inspiring location for our Interpret Europe Conference. With its beautiful coast Dalmatia is a leading destination for seaside holidays. Away from the beaches it also boasts rich natural and cultural sites and attractive towns and villages that have huge potential for heritage interpretation 80 delegates ...

Conference 2013: Sharing our natural and cultural heritage
This conference was a truly global event for it has been organised jointly with the Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation at the Swedish Agricultural University [SLU] and the National Association for Interpretation [NAI], based in the USA. 146 participants from 31 countries took part. Sigtuna: what is now a thriving ...

IE conference 2012: Caring for nature and culture: Interpretation as a management tool
The theme of our Interpret Europe Conference in Pisa considered how interpretation can raise awareness of the value of treasured landscapes and places, and how it can help to change the behaviours of communities and visitors. It can also empower people to get involved and take practical action to protect ...

IE conference 2011: European diversity: A treasure-house to challenge heritage interpreters
The first Interpret Europe Conference explored best practice and methodology in interpretation for diverse target groups. 62 participants from 22 countries joined this event. Europe is a continent of breathtaking diversity: from soaring mountains to rolling seas, from permanent ice to parched landscapes, from local beauty spots to great wild ...