European projects on heritage interpretation
- Projects

Heritage Interpretation for Migrant Inclusion in Schools
2016-2018 HIMIS developed a new approach aiming to foster the integration of migrants and to challenge exclusionary attitudes at host communities through heritage interpretation. During adolescence, young people are searching for their own identity; it is the age when questions of meaning become urgent for personal development and when beliefs,...

Heritage Interpretation for Adult Learning
The project took place from 2014-2016 and the complete results can be approached through InHerit aimed to build heritage staff capacity for competence oriented non-formal learning at heritage sites through professional development of managers and educators at these sites. The project partners stated that through more professional heritage interpretation museums...

Heritage Interpretation for Senior Audiences
The main objective of HISA was to enhance the learning experience of seniors beyond 55 years visiting heritage sites, museums and protected areas. Due to demographic change seniors are becoming increasingly important for many sites. They also play an important role as active citizens and often influence the opinions of others....

Interpreting Our European Heritage
Since the qualification and learning outcomes characterising heritage interpretation activities were not clearly identified across European vocational education and training systems, IOEH intended to apply heritage interpretation to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and to the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). Therefore the project defined learning...

HeriQ – Quality in Heritage Interpretation
HeriQ was rooted in the Leonardo project TOPAS - Training of Protected Area Staff (1999-2006) and related to the German project ParcInterp (2009-2012). It intended to emphasise the ideas of learning for sustainability within heritage interpretation focussing on two aims: To inspire interpreters to act as interpretive agents, setting up networks for heritage interpretation...