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We help organisations and communities to realise their ambitions to develop meaning about our natural and cultural heritage.

Our services and products

  • Heritage Interpretation
  • Learning materials
  • Environmental management
  • Community participation

Red Kite provides innovative and creative services in heritage interpretation and environmental management. For over 25 years we have provided our clients with advice and practical solutions to help develop meaning about our heritage, understand landscapes, provide governance for protected areas, and manage natural and historic resources. We bring a wealth of experience to our work as practical environmental managers, heritage interpreters, community facilitators and environmental educators.

Our core team provides strong project management and delivery skills, while our network of specialist associates provides technical expertise in design, production and installation, sustainable tourism and environmental learning.

We take great care with our projects, developing a close relationship with our clients, working personally with stakeholders and providing a complete service from start to delivery. We like to make this both productive and enjoyable for all parties, achieving a high level of ownership by stakeholders and high quality products for the client.

Our clients include national parks and other protected areas, non-government organisations, local government organisations and environmental and cultural heritage projects. Our projects include:

· Interpretation planning for natural and cultural heritage sites

· Production of interpretation materials – visitor centres, panels and publications

· Protected area management plans

· Governance reviews

· Environmental strategies


You can contact us at:

Pearcroft Rd, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire,GL10 2JY,United Kingdom

Website URL: www.redkite-environment.co.uk

Email address: info@redkite-environment.co.uk

Contact person and position: Peter Seccombe,Director

Contact details:+44 1453 822013,+44 7775 515751



Languages the company works in:English

Memberships of any other professional bodies: Association for Heritage Interpretation (UK)